Servant Leadership- Core Value Blog Post


By Dr. Martine Fristch
Global CHE Network Representative Council Member

Community Health Evangelism seeks to encourage Christ-like servant leadership. Servant leadership is a timeless concept found in throughout religious texts and leadership literature alike.  But Christ-like servant leadership is set apart. Christ is the wisest, most profound teacher to have walked the earth. At the same time, He is the humble, approachable friend of ordinary and poor people— those we meet in CHE ministry.

Jesus gave us this principle for leadership: “Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you’ll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you’re content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty (Matt 23: 11-12, The Message)

To Jesus, a person’s leadership is not defined by his position or power, but by his willingness to serve. He inspired people to volunteer their time and energy for something they believe in. He counted those who did so as leaders in His “upside-down” Kingdom.  Hundreds of CHE Volunteers around the world are those leaders in their community, visiting and serving their neighbouring homes to bring healing, education and making God known.

The practices and principles of Jesus apply to all forms of leadership– from informal leadership in the home to the leadership in the communities, in workplace, in government, education, health, etc. No person, vocation, or role is outside the scope of Jesus’ example in leadership. 

Moreover, Jesus empowers ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  He came to liberate people by calling them to be who they were created to be. He models and teaches how to address practically the big universal questions:  What is the purpose of the world? What’s wrong with it? How can we be part of making it right? He changes forever those who encounter Him as Savior and Redeemer and He lives on in the lives of His followers through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit abiding in them.

Jesus began a movement like no other– a movement still going strong two thousand years later, a movement of disciples who love and serve God and others.  CHE ministry to the whole person in a variety of religious settings and throughout the world is part of this movement.

Jesus is the ultimate servant and, therefore, the ultimate leader.

Dr. Martine Fristch served with her husband Jean-Marc for 30 years in Africa working in church planting and disciple-making movements integrated with Community Health among unreached people groups.  Since 2013, she serves as Global Integral Community Health (ICH) Promoter with Healthcare Christian Fellowship International. Martine and her husband are based in France, they have 2 adult daughters and one grand-child.








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